
The explainer video trends of 2020: 6 styles that will make your explainer video a hit

Welcome to the Future! A new decade has begun and it has never been more important to communicate content briefly and concisely. After all, we are almost inundated with information every day. In 2020, the explainer video will remain number 1 when it comes to bringing complex content to the audience in a targeted manner. Regardless of whether you want to explain a new product to your customers or a new process to your employees, a crisp explainer video is still king! So that it hits the mark, a modern, fresh look is all the more important.
At Videodesign, we have our finger on the pulse. And show you the explainer video trends for 2020. So that your video will also be a complete success!

Trend 1: Line Art & Geometry – Reduce to the max

The same applies to explainer videos in 2020: Less is more. A clear trend for explainer videos are greatly reduced, minimalist illustrations. Whether with abstract shapes or simple lines – a reduced style can be both playful and funky, as well as elegant and stylish. Simple representations offer plenty of room for dynamic animations and surprising transitions. Speakers and music come to the fore and your explainer video enjoys the full attention of your audience!

(1) Author: Universal FavoriteProject : Tide (2) Author: Bruna CarolinaProject : GIFs

Trend 2: Typography – Words in Action

Word and writing no longer just belong in the subtitles. In line with the reduced style, typographic explanatory videos are also becoming increasingly important. The words and letters themselves are actors in the explanatory video and are staged in a gripping, artistic way. The big advantage? Your explanatory video can also do without audio and meets all the requirements for accessibility and modern social media use. Perfect for getting noticed in the newsfeed and auto-play.

(1) Author: Ann (Dyakun)Project : Ideas give Insights (2) Author: Patti GlennProject : hello!

Trend 3: Patterns and textures – the digital feel

Explainer videos that you would love to touch – patterns and textures are definitely a trend for 2020 and offer countless new design options for your explainer video: From large-scale, geometric patterns to realistic surface structures. Patterns and textures can be used in a variety of ways, can be coordinated with your corporate design and make your explainer video unique and unmistakable.

(1) Author: RADIOproject : NY Times spot (2) Author: Sasha Turischevproject : iPhone 3D wallpaper
(3) Author: Dennis HoogstadProject : 2020

Trend 4: Retro Vibes – Turn old into new

It is not without reason that designs from past decades are often picked up again in fashion and interior design, as they always provide new inspiration for contemporary design. Retro is in – even with the explanatory video! Design elements such as harmonious retro color palettes, patterns and fonts give your explainer video an individual touch and can help to capture a very specific attitude to life.

(1) Author: Ana MiminoshviliProject : Shuttle (2) Author: Joanna LawniczakProject : Electric Relaxation
(3) Author: MUTIProject : Baller

Trend 5: 3D representations – Unlimited possibilities to immerse yourself in your own illustration world

Three-dimensional representations will remain an explainer video trend par excellence in 2020. The additional dimension makes it possible to explain a lot more with just a few illustrations at a glance. In addition, 3D elements can also be perfectly integrated into reduced, two-dimensional representations. Whether complex, technical representations or breathtaking scenery – spatial representations give your explainer video a whole new dimension and create the big picture.

Trend 6: Loop Animations & Video Snacks

Communicating briefly and concisely remains an increasingly important trend in the new decade. Would you like to freshen up a PowerPoint presentation with short animations or use platforms like Instagram or Snapchat optimally for your company? Loop animations and video snacks are perfect for getting to the heart of content and activating viewers within a very short time. In particular, the social media snippets from Videodesign are an attractive and valuable addition to any explainer video.

Now it’s your turn:

Do you want to give your next explainer video that certain something? Whether modern, trendy or timeless – we will be happy to advise you and develop a very individual style for your explainer video. Just send us an email to welcome[at] or call us on +41 (0)44 555 86 90.

Niklas Jung
Niklas Jung
Niklas ist Gründer und Inhaber von Videodesign. Er bezeichnet sich als Kreativitätsnerd: Seine Passion entflammt dort, wo Kreativität auf Technologie trifft. Hier im Blog schreibt er über aktuelle Trends in den Bereichen Bewegtbild, Video Marketing, Erklärvideos und künstliche Intelligenz. Wenn er nicht gerade neue Trends erforscht, ist Niklas hinter der Kaffeemaschine als leidenschaftlicher Barista anzutreffen oder bei einer Zen Meditation in den Schweizer Alpen.
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