
PostFinance: No bullshit. The social media campaign.

Performance! KPI! Content!
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a start-up or a large corporation – buzzwords are now de rigueur. Not infrequently they remain just that: words. PostFinance is consciously positioned against the bullshit bingo of business coolness. In the social media campaign, the start-up lingo is skillfully targeted. Because the PostFinance trainee program is not for idle talkers, but for ambitious young people who want to actively help shape their training and the Group.

Accurate social media videos

The briefing was clear: a video campaign for social media distribution. The video nuggets should be as short as possible, address and activate the target group at eye level. A clear case for a strong CTA with a cheeky address and a skilful wink.
The direct address to the camera immediately attracts attention and the fast ending with a strong slogan means there is no chance of boredom.
In terms of medium, the choice fell on Instagram, LinkedIn & Facebook, perfectly tailored to the target group. It goes without saying that the format was square and prepared for the Silent Revolution.

Camera. Volume. And action!

In order to guarantee authenticity, we made a conscious decision not to hire actors. Instead, the actors in the videos are none other than PostFinance trainees themselves.
During a concentrated but entertaining shoot*, Lukas, Geraldine and Aline were able to slip into the roles of professional bullshitters. And did it with flying colours.
*No actors on behalf of PostFinance were harmed in the making of this film

PostFinance: only for doers.

With enough verve and a bit of fake arrogance, all three actors let out a torrent of buzzwords – until they are literally knocked out of the picture by a ball in PostFinance yellow. As the slogan says: No bullshit – only for doers. This is what the PostFinance trainee program is like.
But enough of the words, see for yourself:

Video Nugget ‘Geraldine’

Video Nugget ‘Aline’

Fact sheet:

  • Customer: PostFinance
  • Details: Comprehensive conception & implementation of the social media campaign
  • Services: Research, consulting, conception, screenplay, shooting planning, color grading, animation, soundtrack, mastering
  • Language: German
  • Use: Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Realization partner: Camotion Films GmbH
  • Special features: Videos optimized in length, CTA and format for social media (Silent Revolution)
Niklas Jung
Niklas Jung
Niklas ist Gründer und Inhaber von Videodesign. Er bezeichnet sich als Kreativitätsnerd: Seine Passion entflammt dort, wo Kreativität auf Technologie trifft. Hier im Blog schreibt er über aktuelle Trends in den Bereichen Bewegtbild, Video Marketing, Erklärvideos und künstliche Intelligenz. Wenn er nicht gerade neue Trends erforscht, ist Niklas hinter der Kaffeemaschine als leidenschaftlicher Barista anzutreffen oder bei einer Zen Meditation in den Schweizer Alpen.
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