
Product video for mobile application

Screencast videos or traditional device presentations to present an app are among the marketing methods of the 90s. In the age of modern explainer videos, not only the functional properties have to be presented to the customer. Rather, it is nowadays necessary to embed the advantages in situational contexts. In this way, the customer identifies with the situation and the advantages are firmly anchored in the customer.

And that’s exactly what we did for Absolute Development AG. Instead of showing the app in a drab on-screen video, we present all the benefits within a modern commercial. The coloring takes up the design elements of the logo, so that the video shines in the corporate design.

Have mobile app, software or platform explained

Would you also like to explain a mobile application, complex software or a diverse platform? We will be happy to help you to bring the important aspects closer to your employees or customers.
Thanks to our diverse range , we have the right solution for all needs!
Let us advise you free of charge, we will take you further.
Our contact information can be found here.

Niklas Jung
Niklas Jung
Niklas ist Gründer und Inhaber von Videodesign. Er bezeichnet sich als Kreativitätsnerd: Seine Passion entflammt dort, wo Kreativität auf Technologie trifft. Hier im Blog schreibt er über aktuelle Trends in den Bereichen Bewegtbild, Video Marketing, Erklärvideos und künstliche Intelligenz. Wenn er nicht gerade neue Trends erforscht, ist Niklas hinter der Kaffeemaschine als leidenschaftlicher Barista anzutreffen oder bei einer Zen Meditation in den Schweizer Alpen.
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