
SwissSkills: 12 explanatory videos about the Swiss vocational training system

The Swiss vocational training system is diverse and enables everyone to find their own individual path into the world of work. Countless opportunities pave the way for a wide variety of professional careers. It is all the more important to keep an overview and at the same time broaden your horizons. The SwissSkills team approached us with the idea of presenting various successful professional careers.

Individual style & definition of personas

A clear case for videodesign! In a comprehensive illustration phase, we developed 12 personas with the respective career paths. A distinctive SwissSkills style was created and life was breathed into the illustrations. The specially created style skilfully picks up on SwissSkills’ CI/CD and lets the stories shine fresh and timeless. In the motion design, the respective stories are given the desired pep, so that the dynamic runs through the videos as a common thread.

Showcase: Jan’s way to becoming a top chef

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Likeable videos with storytelling

The result is 12 entertaining and at the same time informative videos that present the Swiss vocational training system with all its possibilities – packed in exciting storytelling. The professional careers of Jan, Noemi & Co. show what is possible and open the horizon of the respective professional careers. And so that the videos can be understood by everyone, we have produced them in four languages: German, French, Italian and English.

Broad target group: teenagers & parents

The target group of the videos was clearly defined: young people looking for a career that suits them. With our explanatory videos, they are addressed in a targeted manner and they can identify well with the true-to-life protagonists. This is also shown by the use of the videos at relevant trade fairs and events: it is not only the animations that motivate people to think about their own careers.
The characters from the videos are so convincing that they are also used in the form of posters and illustrations at events.

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Facts & Figures

  • Customer: SwissSkills
  • Scope: 12 explanatory videos in an individual style according to CI/CD
  • Services: Research, consulting, conception, text editing, style creation, storyboard, animation, translation, soundtrack, mastering
  • Languages: German, French, Italian, English
  • Use: trade fair, website, social media

All 12 explainer videos

Video 1: Emilie’s path to self-employment (carpenter)

Video 2: Annik’s way to becoming a goldsmith

Video 3: Murat’s path to becoming a social worker

Video 4: Anna’s path to becoming a software developer

Video 5: Dominik’s way to becoming a construction site manager

Video 6: Noemi’s way to the policewoman

Video 7: Miriam’s way to becoming a lawyer

Video 8: Xenia’s way to becoming a car developer

Video 9: Simon’s journey to becoming a marketing specialist

Video 10: Karl’s way to becoming a chemistry teacher

Video 11: Pascal’s way to becoming a project manager

Video 12: Jan’s way to becoming a top chef

Niklas Jung
Niklas Jung
Niklas ist Gründer und Inhaber von Videodesign. Er bezeichnet sich als Kreativitätsnerd: Seine Passion entflammt dort, wo Kreativität auf Technologie trifft. Hier im Blog schreibt er über aktuelle Trends in den Bereichen Bewegtbild, Video Marketing, Erklärvideos und künstliche Intelligenz. Wenn er nicht gerade neue Trends erforscht, ist Niklas hinter der Kaffeemaschine als leidenschaftlicher Barista anzutreffen oder bei einer Zen Meditation in den Schweizer Alpen.
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