
Video marketing for social media – PostFinance

Many Swiss people dream of being self-employed. But how does the company start-up work and what should you pay particular attention to? The agency GmbH, together with PostFinance AG, has documented three start-up stories using videos.

Tell personal stories

PostFinance is one of the leading financial institutions in Switzerland and supports start-ups with their foundation. This includes PostFinance’s popular starter offer, which covers the day-to-day financial needs of a young company. However, in video marketing, the focus should not be on the starting offer, but on the founders and their stories. The agency GmbH was commissioned to portray three young companies. When designing the video marketing campaign, attention was paid to a modular structure. This means that individual excerpts can be easily removed from the films and used as independent “video snippets” on social media channels.

The power of social media

The communication of the individual videos was implemented in a targeted, credible and target group-oriented manner. That is why the power of social media channels, especially Facebook and Twitter, was used. Under the hashtag #founderstories, personal experiences of founders from various industries are exchanged. Among all tweets and comments between January 4 and February 14 2016 an attractive start-up package will be raffled off.
Further information can be found on the PostFinance landing page:

The video campaigns

lost&found accessories

Cheers to Heinrich


Niklas Jung
Niklas Jung
Niklas ist Gründer und Inhaber von Videodesign. Er bezeichnet sich als Kreativitätsnerd: Seine Passion entflammt dort, wo Kreativität auf Technologie trifft. Hier im Blog schreibt er über aktuelle Trends in den Bereichen Bewegtbild, Video Marketing, Erklärvideos und künstliche Intelligenz. Wenn er nicht gerade neue Trends erforscht, ist Niklas hinter der Kaffeemaschine als leidenschaftlicher Barista anzutreffen oder bei einer Zen Meditation in den Schweizer Alpen.
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